Archetypal Manifestation

Video – Manifestation

Eckhart Tolle has some interesting things to say about manifestation. As you might know, Eckhart has worked on the Power of Now for a long time, and people often ask him how it relates to manifestation.

Other questions that arise in when the subject of manifestation is being discussed are around how it relates to stillness and inner peace, or acceptance and surrender. These are all interesting questions, and deserve serious answers.

Start from the premise, which seems to me to be quite obvious, that we are all part of the whole. Therefore we are all a different element of the divine. So we can only assume that what happens in our inner lives is representative in some way of what happens in the macrocosm, the universe. Our inner world tends to be connected to this higher power through the sovereign archetype, the king, the heart centred leader.

Manifestation may be the domain of the Magician, but it is the heart centred leader which has the power to connect us to something beyond ourselves. Magician connects downwards into the unconscious – Sovereign connects upwards to a higher power. And the Lover feeds our desire, an energy which is useful in manifestation. The Warrior? Well, see below for more on that!

You have observed how life comes into being, exists for a while and then dies. This is the transformational process which all creation undergoes – coming into form from the source (aka the universal intelligence or cosmic consciousness or even God) and then manifesting in the world for a time before “dying” and passing back into the realm of formlessness.

It’s a simple observation that manifestation is a process that goes on constantly in the universe. And indeed, there seems to be an evolutionary pressure towards more the manifestation of reality in an ever-more sophisticated way, both at the level of the individual, and the level of society as a whole.

Indeed, it’s obvious that our current level of technology and civilization is more sophisticated – and please note this is not a synonym for good or evil – than any other civilization has ever been, at any time in the past.

Of course complexity leads to problems, and on the principle that we mentioned above, problems on a macrocosm level will manifest as problems in each of our individual lives. So how does that relate to the principles of manifestation and law of attraction, which so many of us would like to rely on for our needs to be met?

But again, just as complexity or sophistication is not a metaphor for good or evil, the word problem is only imbued with negativity because of our human perception. The Magician has no conscience, really – he work for results and does so without much feeling.

If you reframed all problems as challenges, you would have a different view of problems – and of course it’s also true that one’s ability to withstand problems and stress is entirely dependent on the way that one perceives them. As Shakespeare said, “nothing is but thinking makes it so”.

Within the framework of all of these principles and concepts, how can we, as human beings, here for but a short time on the surface of this planet, exploit our connection with the universe and the principle of manifestation and the law of attraction to get what we want in our physical existence? Well, we can use our archetypes to full advantage for our own ends.

Let us consider what the universe wants: to experience life as a manifestation of the formlessness, to experience peace, and to know itself in its essence. (So says Eckhart Tolle.)

If that’s true, then it follows that the universe wants not only the manifestation from formlessness to reality but also the reverse process – the movement back to source. That perhaps represents our inclination to find stillness and quiet and solitude, and the feelings, which are the preserve of the lover archetype, that we experience when we do.

Losing yourself totally in either the movement of manifestation or the return to the source can’t be right; there has to be a balance; to live, as it were, with “our feet on the ground and our head in the clouds” is definitely a human challenge.

As humans we tend to identify with what we do, what we achieve, and also with who we are. That of course is what is known as ego by the psychologists. But to connect with the source, the universal intelligence, we need to let go of ego, and to become one with our true nature.

Perhaps the fact that we identify so much with our ego is a representation of some aspect of our need to be on the planet in a practical way, working, eating, sleeping, reproducing, and all the other functions that come with having a human body.

But what this human body also does is to isolate us from other humans, so that connection becomes something challenging, or difficult, or perhaps even impossible for some individuals.

Video – Ego Breaks Through (Eckhart Tolle)

Many people think manifestation is a mysterious and somewhat metaphysical process that leaves everything to the imagination and very little to reality.

But the truth is that manifestation is a simple process that you can master, quite easily, to gain whatever it is that you want in life, provided that you know exactly what steps to take, and how to use your mind in the service of manifestation.

So a lot of people will say that what you have to do is sit down and visualizing a deeply relaxed state so that you can picture the image that you want to come into your life with great clarity and eventually it will mysteriously appear.

But of course this leaves out many things, including the emotional energy required to make something manifest, the intense desire that is necessary to support this emotional energy, the complete expectancy which is necessary to ensure that you do indeed achieve success in co-creating a different kind of reality around yourself, and more than anything else, perhaps, the action you need to take to ensure that something actually happens.

And of all those steps, it is probably the action step which most people forget about.  Visualizing an outcome alone is totally unrealistic, because with no action, you can’t reasonably expect success in your manifestation. And you can’t take action without an active Warrior to support you in doing something.

You see, the universe is actually very obedient to our demands, and it will manifest whatever it is that we want to appear in our lives, provided we also demonstrate some kind of commitment to making that happen – and the most obvious form of commitment, needless to say, is action, taking action in the world that should bring about your objectives in physical and tangible form.

So what sort of action steps are necessary: because as you may well have observed if you been studying manifestation at all, there seem to be two sorts of “guidelines” which are governed, or which we are told govern, the process of creation by use of law of attraction. The first is take massive action, exerting yourself so fully, and burning your boats – as the saying has it – that there is no going back, and that you are in fact committed to an outcome.

The second is a suggestion that you could take small steps, to bring about a process of incremental change.

These are so contradictory, and so at odds, that it’s hard to understand how anybody could actually make sense of the process manifestation if they come across first one set of instructions and then the other!

But in actual fact, the truth is properly simpler – it’s not either of these statements about how much action you should take in the world is right or wrong, is probably much more about the fact that some people believe large action steps are necessary, while others think that small incremental change will do the job.

As you may know, where manifestation is concerned, it’s what you believe about the process that tends to have more influence over how it operates than anything else! Read more about the laws around creation of reality here.

What I interpret this to mean, therefore, is that if you believe large action steps are necessary to co-create a different reality in the world around you, then that’s exactly what will manifest for you – you will have to take large steps, and when you do, you’ll be successful.

But the other approach is for those who perhaps are of a more fearful disposition: to see the evidence building up in front of them as they go along – which they can do by taking small steps that don’t require massive commitment and overexertion. (I mean overexertion of the mental muscles, the imagination, or in particular, the belief system!)

You see if you want start a business, and on an act of faith you decide to take “massive action” and you then sell your house, leaving your family homeless, to raise the funds to support your business, and you don’t have sufficient belief to sustain the progress and success of the business – well, you can easily see how you’re creating trouble for yourself, I’m sure.

Whereas starting small, perhaps in a corner of the kitchen or a workshop or an outbuilding in your garden, and growing gradually from there might take a long time, there are certainly a lot of people for whom this would turn out to be a safer option when manifesting a dream.

There is an excellent website – – which can explain all of this to you, and where you can find information about all the laws controlling the creation of reality – I highly recommend it to you if you’re at all interested in changing your world for the better, since it offers very clear and simple explanations of how you can go about creating a different reality for yourself.